Setting up a new Android emulator with Android Studio on Windows

Nowadays there are so many Android emulators on Windows, they have various functions and there are some differences from each other, but the emulator in the Android Studio is still the best, and the most stable one. Now let’s tell you how to set the Android emulator step by step.

Install Google Android Studio

Step 1. Download the specific version of Google Android Studio(The new version do not work): android-studio-2022.2.1.20-windows.exe

Step 2. The downloaded file name will be android-studio*.exe, open the exe file.

Click the button “Finish” to start Android Studio after installation.

Step 3. Follow the installation instructions to install Android Studio, select “Accept” to accept the License Agreement, then click the “Finish” button.

Step 4. Android Studio Setup Wizard will download extra components online, it will take minutes for downloading. Click the “Finish” button after downloading.

Step 5. After installing successfully, you will see the start window, then click the menu “More Actions” -> “Virtual Device Manager” for managing Android emulators.

If there are projects on your Android Studio, you should start Android emulators on the toolbar.

If you open a project, you should click the menu “Tools -> Device Manager” to run the Android emulator.

Step 6. Create a new Android emulator by clicking the button “Create device”.

Select the specific device and click the button “Next”.

Select the system image “API 34” and click the button “Next”.

Step 7. Now the Android emulator has started. You can drag and drop an Android app .apk file to install it to the Android emulator.

Create Android emulator for installing the old version of Kindle app

If you want to install kindle app 4.16 on the Android emulator, you should create the specific emulator first.
Step 1. On the “Device Manager” window, click the button “Create device”

Step 2. On the “Virtual Device Configuration” window, select the “Phone” of the category, then select name: 5.1″ WVGA, size: 5.1″, resolution: 480*800, density: mdpi, then click the button “Next”

Step 3. Click the tab page “Other Images”, select the system image name: Marshmallow, API Level: 23, ABI: armeabi-v7a, Target: Android 6.0. You should click the download button to download the system image first, then click the button “Next”

Step 4. Click the button “Finish” to finish the Android emulator setup.

Step 5. Click the start icon to start the new Android emulator, then drag and drop Kindle app 4.16 file to install it.

The installation process is slow, so wait for minutes.

Step 6. Click the touch button to check the installed app.

The Kindle app 4.16 is installed.

Setting up a new Android emulator with Android Studio on Windows